But if you're like me and want to do something a bit different, for example start with all the comics and mangas, then read the short stories and save books for last.
Well, that's just me, but if you want to do the same, listen up.
I won't add anything about books here, since I haven't read all of them.
Only mangas and comics:
- Warcraft saga (5) - about the creating of the world: Titans, Old Gods, Dragon Aspects and other
- Ashbringer (4) - about the paladins, creating the Argent Dawn and the Scarlet Crusade, follows different characters-mostly the Mograine family
- Death Knight - about breaking free from the Lich King, ends in the future (after "Mage"), follows Thassarian
- Sunwell Trilogy (3) - about the past of the Sunwell, follows Kalecgos, Aveena, Tyrygosa, Jorad Mace.
- Shadow Wing (2) - about the neatherdrakes in Outlands, dranei and broken relations, the first death knights (not the ones mady by the Lich King), follows Tyrygosa and Jorad Mace
- World of Warcraft: The Comic (25) - 1-14 is pretty much Varian Wrynn's lifestory , 15-25 is about and Alliance-Horde peace gathering between Thrall and Varian, then it goes all weird and Cho'gall does something and it's about the Guardian and Council of Tirisfal. Characters you should know: Varian (Lo'Gosh), Broll Bearmantle, Valeera, Rehgar, Thargas, Anduin Wrynn, Jaina, Aegwynn, Garona, Meryl, Med'an, Maraad, Cho'gall. Also includes some other important characters, but they had minor roles so whatever.
- Mage - about the Blue Dragonflight and Malygos attacking Dalaran, follows Aodhan
- Pearl of Pandaria (4) - about Li Li's and Strongbo's adventures in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor while looking for Chen Stormstout, also the history of Brewfest in the game
- Shaman - starts 100 years ago with Shotoa, main story takes place during the Cataclysm, explains the shaman's thoubles with elements, what are dark shamans, follows Muln Earthfury (in main story)
- Curse of the Worgen (5) - about the war between Gilneans and Forsaken, how the Gilneans got turned to worgen, flashbacks to the time of the War of Ancients (about 10,000 years ago), where do the worgen originate from, follows Halford Ramsey, Genn Graymane, Belysra Starbreeze
- Dark Riders - For the Alliance, story about some guy that goes on an adventure with some other guy, they go to Karazhan, not much important lore-wise but it's a good read
- Bloodsworn - For the Horde, story about a group that goes to stop some centaurs and ends up in some trouble, they go to Maraudon, Desolace in Cata is different than before and this may have mentioned why but I don't remember, also just a good read
- Warcraft Legends (5) - Many different stories in each of these books, that just bolt everywhere so you can't just put it here. Very epic storys about many things. Before realing Legends you SHOULD read: The Sunwell Trilogy, Ashbringer & Death Knight?(not so sure about this, but it doesnt do bad) There is one story "The First Guardian" in Legends which you should read before World of Warcraft: The Comic and Mage?
I thought I'd mention my favourites and give them spots.
But first, some honorable mentions: Curse of the Worgen (much new such amaze so story wow), Death Knight (how people treat the DKs was cool to know), Shadow Wing (dat ending tho?)
3rd Place: Pearl of Pandaria got this spot, though it was a tough choice. The fun travelling story of Li Li Stormstout and Strongbo snatched the spot from the Worgens for a few reasons. Mainly the first reason being, that I didn't like the worgen leader much in the comic (he's cool at the end, the short story makes him even cooler) and the Pandaren story had a lot of travelling around Alliance citys. I haven't played a lot of Alliance, but seeing those sights and people I had only seen a little gave me a smile if I recognised them. :)
Moving on...
2nd Place: World of Warcraft: The Comic. Even though half of it was a story of Varian Wrynn, king of the Alliance, that part was the coolest. Following Varian around wasn't that bad and seeing Anduin being actually useful was great too. This comic also introduces one of my favourite characters: Rehgar Earthfury. He wasn't that good at the beginning, but later he turned out to be an aweosme character. The last fourth of the comic took a turn for the unexpected, but overall the story was interesting. (Sorry Varian, this doesn't stop me from raiding Stormwind and killing you. For the Horde!)
And now!
1st Place: It just has to go to Warcraft Legends. I mean really. There is no debate. These stories were just excellent. Some had Thrall in them too, that helped. *heh* (My favourites in the books: Family Values, A Warrior Made, Fear and Nightmares) There were also others that I just figured I won't mention (otherwise this list would be too long).
Only Short Stories
There are many short stories and they are all very different. This time I can not give them places, but I'll just name 5 favourites. :)
Charge of the Aspects
So first I must add, that I read this before the book Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects. BAD IDEA. Read the book first. The story is literally just made to tie the book better into the game and it does an incredible job at that. I just loved the thing that happened "underground". ;) (no spoilers) Thrall + the Aspects = Win and I loved it and the book just as much (or even more) <3
Gallywix: The Secrets of a Trade Prince
This was a story that had more laughs in it, than any other. The way it was written was pure awesome. As I've mentioned before, I'm a big goblin fan and reading this game me some idea what they were upto before joining the Horde. Ofcourse there are the neutral Steamwheedle Cartel, but their not that interesting. It's the Bilgewater Cartel for me!
Li Li's Travel Journal
This was a choice between this story and Quest for Pandaria. Li Li's story got this spot since I liked it from start to finish, but Quest for Pandaria had an interesting beginning and awesome ending, but the middle had some slower events. Back to this story: it was interesting to see Li Li meet the characters who the Adventurers also get involved with. It was action packed and fun to read and I actually liked many of the Pandaria shory stories. (beware, some other might come next) :)
The Blank Scroll
This is another Pandaria story, I know, I liked those. :3 This was about the Lorewalkers (the coolest factions in Pandaria, they just eat and tell you stories: aweosme) and goblins. This story did try to show Gallywix from a better side, but ('tho I liked his story) I don't like Gallywix. One day I wish the goblins will get a better leader, one who'd stop them from them from ruining the lands with their engineering (since that turns other races, like tauren and night elf, against them and I don't like that)
Now I started ranting.. sorry about that, but Blank Scroll was great and I liked it! <3
Strength of Steel
Another Pandaria story... Yes! This was a really amazing story. Usually, if there is something of one's view on the world changing for a better one... (No I'm not going for spoilers now) Let's just say, that Koak was headstrong on a path... and the ending was wonderful. Not sure if that's the same for Alliance players, but for a Hordie it was so amazing.
So now I'll end this post. Hopefully this has given you some clarity on what, how and in which order to read. :) I'll write about the books too, but just not yet.
PS. I told you this before and I'll tell you again. Go to this site for more info about all of this :3 http://wowpedia.org/Novel_guide
'Til next time, nerds!
<3 Diantz
But first, some honorable mentions: Curse of the Worgen (much new such amaze so story wow), Death Knight (how people treat the DKs was cool to know), Shadow Wing (dat ending tho?)
3rd Place: Pearl of Pandaria got this spot, though it was a tough choice. The fun travelling story of Li Li Stormstout and Strongbo snatched the spot from the Worgens for a few reasons. Mainly the first reason being, that I didn't like the worgen leader much in the comic (he's cool at the end, the short story makes him even cooler) and the Pandaren story had a lot of travelling around Alliance citys. I haven't played a lot of Alliance, but seeing those sights and people I had only seen a little gave me a smile if I recognised them. :)
Moving on...
2nd Place: World of Warcraft: The Comic. Even though half of it was a story of Varian Wrynn, king of the Alliance, that part was the coolest. Following Varian around wasn't that bad and seeing Anduin being actually useful was great too. This comic also introduces one of my favourite characters: Rehgar Earthfury. He wasn't that good at the beginning, but later he turned out to be an aweosme character. The last fourth of the comic took a turn for the unexpected, but overall the story was interesting. (Sorry Varian, this doesn't stop me from raiding Stormwind and killing you. For the Horde!)
And now!
1st Place: It just has to go to Warcraft Legends. I mean really. There is no debate. These stories were just excellent. Some had Thrall in them too, that helped. *heh* (My favourites in the books: Family Values, A Warrior Made, Fear and Nightmares) There were also others that I just figured I won't mention (otherwise this list would be too long).
Only Short Stories
- War of the Shifting Sands - about Silithus/Ahn'Quirai, Fandral Staghelm's loss
- Unbroken - about the dranei becoming Broken and Lost Ones, dranei's shamanistic connection, orcs taking over Shattarath, follows Nobundo (starts and ends later, main story takes place here)
- Road to Damnation - about the Scourge, Kel'Thuzad's damnation, you follow him (after reading this I feel bad for him)
- Vol'jin: The Judgment - about Vol'jin and his friend's destinys, a bit about Sen'jin
- Lor'themar Theron: In the Shadow of the Sun - Blood Elves' struggles, relationships with Kirin Tor, high elves and Forsaken
- Garrosh Hellscream: Heart of War - watch the Ulduar cinematic before reading this, Warsong Hold, (Garrosh kissing up to Thrall)
- Gelbin Mekkatorque: Cut Short - The "All you need to know about Gnomes as a Horde player" Story, what happened in Gnomeregan
- Sylvanas Windrunner: Edge of Night - Sylvanas at Icecrown, war between Gilneans vs Forsaken (and some troops from Garrosh), Valkyr
- Tyrande & Malfurion: Seeds of Faith - The Cataclysm flooding night elf villages, naga attacks
- The Council of Three Hammers: Fire and Iron - This is actually a story that was written due to a mistake Blizzard made: they thought that Falstad Wildhammer was dead, so they went all back and fourth and made Kurdran Wildhammer the represantative for a while, until "Red Shirt Guy" at Blizz Con pointed this out. This is the story that fixes their mistake, pretty interesting. Also, the NPC "Wildhammer Fact Checker" was added to the game because of this.
- Gallywix: The Secrets of a Trade Prince - the only (aww) history about goblins and their lives on Kezan (only one that I know about), Gallywix's life story basicly
- Baine Bloodhoof: As Our Fathers Before Us - Garrosh doing bad stuff, the tauren's distrust in Baine
- Genn Graymane: Lord of his Pack - read Curse of the Worgen first, takes place after the comic and Worgen starting area in WoW
- Velen: Prophet's Lesson - about problems concerning the cataclysm, Anduin's importantness
- Varian Wrynn: Blood of our Fathers - you may want to watch the Cataclysm cinematic first (where Deathwing flies and burns stuff), more about Anduin being important
- Charge of the Aspects - read Twilight of the Aspects book first!!!, the four aspects having meetings in Mount Hyjal thinking of what to do against Deathwing, Thrall being a total badass, events leading up to "Hour of the Twilight dungeons" (End Time, Hour of Twilight, Well of Eternity) and Dragon Soul raid
- Quest for Pandaria - read Pearl of Pandaria(comic) first, Li Li and Chen Stormstout go on a quest to find Pandaria, Tol'vir lore and some other
- Li Li's Travel Journal - 1-4 are about The Wandering Isle (Pandaren starting area in WoW), others are about adventures in Pandaria (like why you're doing the instance Stormstout Brewery) and many other things
- The Trial of the Red Blossoms - a closer look into becoming a member of the Shado-Pan, follows a young pandaren named Ten
- Death from Above - story of the mantid and Kalaxxi, takes you back 10,000 years but I say read it now, since it doesn't have anything to do with any of the other lore of that time (that's a Pandaria thing)
- Strength of Steel - about the Order of the Cloud Serpent, follows an orc named Koak
- Bleeding Sun - about the Golden Lotus faction, the story that follows to the questline in-game with the Sunwalkers and Dezco
- The Blank Scroll - about the Lorewalkers, explains what the goblins are doing in Pandaria, follows two goblins: Ziya and Druz and a pandaren Lorewalker Shuchun
- The Jade Hunters - about each of the Celestials, the three dwarven factions, follows a Dark Iron named Fenella, Fendrig if the Bronzebeards and Carrick, a Wildhammer
- Over Water - about the Fishers, pandaren go fishing and find an Alliance soldier and tell him a story while they... fish, follows Tarlo (a human. the story doesn't mention that part, I was confused while reading) 'Takes place after Garrosh had been defeated'
- The Untamed Valley - about the Tillers (yes, the ones who plant crops), a fight where Maraad, Sentinel Commander Lyalia and some tillers go against some Garrosh-loving black shaman 'Takes place after Garrosh had been defeated'
- Blood of the Highborne*
There are many short stories and they are all very different. This time I can not give them places, but I'll just name 5 favourites. :)
Charge of the Aspects
So first I must add, that I read this before the book Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects. BAD IDEA. Read the book first. The story is literally just made to tie the book better into the game and it does an incredible job at that. I just loved the thing that happened "underground". ;) (no spoilers) Thrall + the Aspects = Win and I loved it and the book just as much (or even more) <3
Gallywix: The Secrets of a Trade Prince
This was a story that had more laughs in it, than any other. The way it was written was pure awesome. As I've mentioned before, I'm a big goblin fan and reading this game me some idea what they were upto before joining the Horde. Ofcourse there are the neutral Steamwheedle Cartel, but their not that interesting. It's the Bilgewater Cartel for me!
Li Li's Travel Journal
This was a choice between this story and Quest for Pandaria. Li Li's story got this spot since I liked it from start to finish, but Quest for Pandaria had an interesting beginning and awesome ending, but the middle had some slower events. Back to this story: it was interesting to see Li Li meet the characters who the Adventurers also get involved with. It was action packed and fun to read and I actually liked many of the Pandaria shory stories. (beware, some other might come next) :)
The Blank Scroll
This is another Pandaria story, I know, I liked those. :3 This was about the Lorewalkers (the coolest factions in Pandaria, they just eat and tell you stories: aweosme) and goblins. This story did try to show Gallywix from a better side, but ('tho I liked his story) I don't like Gallywix. One day I wish the goblins will get a better leader, one who'd stop them from them from ruining the lands with their engineering (since that turns other races, like tauren and night elf, against them and I don't like that)
Now I started ranting.. sorry about that, but Blank Scroll was great and I liked it! <3
Strength of Steel
Another Pandaria story... Yes! This was a really amazing story. Usually, if there is something of one's view on the world changing for a better one... (No I'm not going for spoilers now) Let's just say, that Koak was headstrong on a path... and the ending was wonderful. Not sure if that's the same for Alliance players, but for a Hordie it was so amazing.
So now I'll end this post. Hopefully this has given you some clarity on what, how and in which order to read. :) I'll write about the books too, but just not yet.
PS. I told you this before and I'll tell you again. Go to this site for more info about all of this :3 http://wowpedia.org/Novel_guide
'Til next time, nerds!
<3 Diantz
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